Volume One

LOG #1

  1. What's the difference between among and between?
  2. Clause or no clause?
  3. Difference between well and good?
  4. Conjugate to drink?
  5. A number versus the number?
  6. Pronoun consistency
  7. Where to place semicolons in lists?
  8. Infinitive or prepositional phrase?
  9. What is the pluperfect?
  10. When to use an as opposed to a?
LOG #2
  1. Predicate Nominatives and Direct Object Clauses and Whoever.
  2. Which is correct?
  3. Compounding Pronouns
  4. E.G. versus I.E., etc.
  5. Punctuation with parentheses
  6. Etc., i.e., et alia
  7. Why is everybody singular?
  8. What's the difference between take and bring?
  9. Can things really sit?
  10. Can this sentence be saved?

LOG #3

  1. When do we use the and when don't we use the?
  2. What is an elliptical clause?
  3. What are the adverb clauses?
  4. How to form the possessive of America?
  5. Restrictive elements and Lassie
  6. Got and Have
  7. What are infinitives, gerunds, and participles?
  8. Punctuating with bullets
  9. Double meanings
  10. Bad versus badly.

LOG #4

  1. Slip in or into a dream?
  2. Beats me . . .
  3. Possessives using of
  4. Spaces after periods
  5. The form for autobiographies
  6. A bet on possessives
  7. Auxiliaries and endings
  8. Questions from Thailand
  9. More Questions from Thailand
  10. Repeating articles in parallel form

LOG #5

  1. How is Business English different from other styles?
  2. Spacing after end marks
  3. Using reflexive pronouns
  4. Commas in a date
  5. Pluralizing acronyms
  6. Plural of sculpture
  7. The plural of less than one?
  8. How to avoid run-ons
  9. "Appear to be being. . . . " ??
  10. Tenses and cases in English

LOG #6

  1. Adverbial conjunctivitis
  2. Clothes a collective noun?
  3. Proper placement of quotation marks
  4. The subjunctive were
  5. Rules for collective nouns
  6. Trick for remembering who and whom
  7. Is this a progressive verb?
  8. Singular/plural verbs
  9. Compounding pronouns
  10. Titles and commas

LOG #7

  1. Ending sentences with prepositions
  2. Beginning sentences with adverb clauses
  3. Virgules and the dieresis
  4. i.e. and e.g. revisited
  5. How to end a rhetorical question
  6. The ellipsis . . .
  7. That subjunctive revisited
  8. It's me!
  9. Parentheses and periods
  10. Single quote marks and dangling participles

LOG #8

  1. That versus which
  2. A friend of Harry or Harry's?
  3. If or whether?
  4. Like or as?
  5. Representing numbers
  6. Finding the antecedent
  7. A or an with acronyms?
  8. Punctuation after salutation
  9. The hidden infinitive
  10. How to use italics

LOG #9

  1. Using a and an
  2. A dative in English?
  3. Parenthetical notation
  4. Italicizing the Titanic
  5. A sentence transformation
  6. Insure versus ensure
  7. -s endings on verbs
  8. When and when not to use contractions
  9. Grammar's domain and redundancies

Index of Grammar Logs

Guide to Grammar and Writing