In loving memory of...
Dr. Charles Darling
Founder of the Guide to Grammar and Writing
Dr. Charles Darling was completely devoted to Capital Community College, where he joyfully worked for 35 years as an English professor and, briefly, as Director of Public Relations.
Charles developed The Guide to Grammar and Writing in 1996, originally to help his students write reports and research papers. In addition, he wanted to create a place where students could look up grammatical issues for themselves. The Guide to Grammar and Writing rapidly took on a life of its own, mushrooming into a wildly popular site, with upwards of 30,000 hits per day from all over the world. It was a labor of love for Charles and, when he retired in 2005, he continued working on it.
Charles thought it was essential that the site remain a free service, but laughed at the implications if it were otherwise.
“If I collected a dime for every e-mail, I wouldn’t have to do the painting of my doors and walls myself in our remodeled home,” Charles told reporter Bob Sudyk (The Hartford Courant, Northeast magazine, 4/11/04).
Charles Darling was one special human being. He was kind, smart and funny, with an abundance of love that he showered upon his wife, sons, grandsons, and his Capital Community College students and colleagues. He is deeply missed.
Jane Bronfman
Director of Marketing and Public Relations
Capital Community College
The college has established a fund in memory of Dr. Darling.
For those who wish to donate online, please click the link below.
For additional donation options, please contact:
The Capital Community College Foundation and Advisory Council
950 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06103
Telephone: (860) 906-5102
Email: CA-Foundation@ccc.commnet.edu