This quiz features 25 of the most frequently misspelled words in English, according to Mindy McAcams*, who put together a dual-choice quiz on these words. This quiz, however, asks you to spell the word on your own, based on the word you hear through your computer speaker. (Another 25 words from McAdams' list of fifty words are featured in Quiz #6 of this series.) These spellings are standard Americanized spellings and a couple of them may vary from standard British spellings. Click on each of the speaker icons and write the word that is spoken, properly spelled, of course, in the space provided. When you click on Submit Application at the end of the exercise, the computer will return a scored version of the quiz (you'll have to click on OK in the Javascript Alert again). Take your time, but don't look up the words or your computer will turn into a toaster-oven. Most of the definitions given here are excerpts from those found in the online Merriam-Webster's WWWebster Dictionary. Used with permission. 1. relating to or characterized by intoxication 2. general agreement 3. unintentional 4. very small 5. an occurrence or condition that brings something about; event; happening 6. having distinct or certain limits 7. a writ commanding a person designated in it to appear in court under a penalty for failure 8. to reduce to a liquid state 9. to take possession of 10. a burial ground 11. to follow in order to overtake, capture, kill, or defeat 12. to present as worthy of acceptance or trial; to endorse 13. having lost hope 14. to come into possession of; acquire 15. absolutely necessary, essential 16. to dry up; dehydrate 17. to annoy persistently 18. oppressive power 19. to set or keep apart; disconnect 20. satisfactory, agreeable 21. the act, process, or result of finishing 22. marked by steady dispassionate calmness and self-control 23. to take the place, room, or position of; to supplant 24. impossible to resist 25. to smear or rub with oil or an oily substance (often in a religious ceremony)
These spellings are standard Americanized spellings and a couple of them may vary from standard British spellings.
Click on each of the speaker icons and write the word that is spoken, properly spelled, of course, in the space provided. When you click on Submit Application at the end of the exercise, the computer will return a scored version of the quiz (you'll have to click on OK in the Javascript Alert again). Take your time, but don't look up the words or your computer will turn into a toaster-oven.
Most of the definitions given here are excerpts from those found in the online Merriam-Webster's WWWebster Dictionary. Used with permission.
1. relating to or characterized by intoxication 2. general agreement 3. unintentional 4. very small 5. an occurrence or condition that brings something about; event; happening 6. having distinct or certain limits 7. a writ commanding a person designated in it to appear in court under a penalty for failure 8. to reduce to a liquid state 9. to take possession of 10. a burial ground 11. to follow in order to overtake, capture, kill, or defeat 12. to present as worthy of acceptance or trial; to endorse 13. having lost hope 14. to come into possession of; acquire 15. absolutely necessary, essential 16. to dry up; dehydrate 17. to annoy persistently 18. oppressive power 19. to set or keep apart; disconnect 20. satisfactory, agreeable 21. the act, process, or result of finishing 22. marked by steady dispassionate calmness and self-control 23. to take the place, room, or position of; to supplant 24. impossible to resist 25. to smear or rub with oil or an oily substance (often in a religious ceremony)
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